September 18, 2020 | St. John's, Antigua | Eulalie Semper
Health Week in the South Leeward Conference is scheduled for September 20-26, 2020. During this week there will be an increased focus on lifestyle matters. It is becoming increasingly evident that there is a direct relationship between lifestyle and preventable chronic diseases.
In preparation for the upcoming week, the Health Ministries department partnered with Designed2Live, a company owned by Seventh-day Adventist members, based in the UK. The aim was to remind members that adopting healthy lifestyles should not be optional for Seventh-day Adventists; since all should seek to get fit for the Kingdom of God.
On Sunday September 20, the opening session will be- 'Created to Move'. In preparation for this grand event, seven mini challenges, built on the NEWSTART (basic health and wellness principles) initiative, were designed to build interest and emphasize the importance of healthy lifestyles. Each challenge was paired with a simple exercise activity.
Throughout this week over 150 participants engaged in these mini-challenges that created a sense of excitement and allowed for the sharing of hope. One of the highlights included the posting of a video in which Dr. Carson Greene (SLC president) was engaged in his exercise routine. This posting attracted many positive comments. One person declared, “I did not know that he was so strong.” Congratulations to President Greene for leading by example and supporting the members in a real and meaningful way. He ably demonstrated that connecting to members does not only take place from the pulpit.
It was truly amazing as children, mothers, fathers, and friends all posted videos which demonstrated that exercise can be exhilarating. While some videos left viewers in uncontrolled laughter, others drew comments such as "awesome", "inspiring", "wonderful", "beautiful". The sharing on the platform revealed the strength that can be realized when there is unity in purpose and mission. In unimaginable ways, God’s people connected as family. With ripples of hope, persons who have not connected for years reunited on this platform. This is reminiscent of that great day when all of God’s people shall join together in the Earth made new with the King of the universe.
Indeed, one would agree with Coon (2016) that there is a significant link between the physical condition and the spiritual. God intends for our bodies to be spiritual temples for the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. Therefore, with renewed vigour and relentless fervour the Seventh-day Adventist church stands committed to embracing and sharing this wonderful, life-changing message of hope.