July 16, 2020
Seventh-day Adventist Churches
South Leeward Conference
Dear Brethren,
Christian Greetings!
It is with profound sadness that I announce the passing of Dr Belgrove N. Josiah, former president of the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Pastor Josiah was from the village of Old Road and has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church with distinction. During his outstanding career, he served as professor, college president and conference president.
The South Leeward Conference family expresses condolences to the family of Dr Josiah. We thank God for his rich life and for the contribution he has made to the work in this region. He was indeed an exemplary leader and faithful soldier of the cross. He now awaits the resurrection.
To the surviving family members, the administration, staff and entire membership of the South Leeward Conference assure you that our prayers are with you during this time of sorrow and loss. Death is an enemy that robs us of the privilege of interaction and communion with our loved ones. We however have the assurance that death will not last forever. We look forward to the day of Jesus’ second coming when the dead in Christ will rise again to immortal life and happiness. May we all be faithful until then!
Yours in the blessed hope,
Carson L Greene, DMin